Recent Publications in Music
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Dudások, cigányzenészek : a hangszeres magyar népzenei hagyomány. Álarcok. :244.
2019. Dusty : a biography of Dusty Springfield /. :304pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2019. .
2018. .
De gustibus sí disputandum. Una filosofía práctica del gusto y la improvisación musical. Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. :137p..
2018. Debussy's resonance . 150:1onlineresource(638pages)..
2018. .
2018. Diary of a busker . :volumes:.
2018. Diary of a busker . :volumes:.
2018. Didone come soggetto nel dramma per musica. III:314pages:.
2018. Die Konzerttätigkeit der Königlichen musikalischen Kapelle zu Dresden (1817-1858) : institutionsgeschichtliche Studie und Dokumentation /. Band 11:960pages;.
2018. Dommusikarchiv Salzburg (A-Sd). Thematischer Katalog der musikalischen Quellen, Reihe A. . :1onlineresource(985pages).
2018. Dommusikarchiv Salzburg (A-Sd). Thematischer Katalog der musikalischen Quellen, Reihe A. . :1onlineresource(985pages).
2018. Dōyō no hyakunen : naze "kokoro no furusato" ni natta no ka /. [new ser.], 0157:309pages:.
2018. Drama bez heroja i nacije. Trendovi talijanske opere u doba Zajčeva Nikole Šubića Zrinjskog. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
2018. Driving for music : the orchestral memoirs of a bus-driving violist. :IX,140pages:illustrations.
2018. A dalszerző Liszt. :216.
2017. Dance, Ideology and Power in Francoist Spain (1938-1968).. Music, Criticism & Politics. 5:XXXVI+568p..
2017. Daniel Börtz . nr 142:267pages:.
2017. Danza, género y sociedad.. Atenea. Estudios de género. 95:414p..
2017. David Bowie made me gay : 100 years of LGBT music /. :1onlineresource(358pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates):.
2017. Dawn songs . :191pages;.
2017. De puertas para adentro. Disidencia sexual y disconformidad de género en la tradición flamenca.. :178p..
2017. Debussy's legacy and the construction of reputation . :x,228pages:.
2017. .