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Gutiérrez-Carreras P, Menéndez-Torrellas G.  2017.  Componiendo Tristán e Isolda. 150 aniversario del estreno de la ópera de Richard Wagner.. :121p..
Guillot M..  2021.  Conflits de l'oreille et de l'oeil dans l'oeuvre musicale : l'écoute interiorisée /. :156pages:.
Govan C.  2013.  Christina Aguilera . :v,245pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Gorfinkel L.  2019.  Chinese television and national identity construction ; the cultural politics of music entertainment programmes /. :1volume;.
Good-Perkins E.  2022.  Culturally sustaining pedagogies in music education : expanding culturally responsive teaching to sustain diverse musical cultures and identities /. :1onlineresource(viii,156pages):.
Gonzales C.  2020.  Chilly Gonzales über Enya . 10:96Seiten.
Goertzen VWoodring, Eshbach RWhitehouse, R. Todd L, Uhde K, Avins S., Borchard B., Crow K., Ellsworth T., Horne WPWilliam, Kamlah R. et al..  2021.  The creative worlds of Joseph Joachim . :1onlineresource(xxii,353pages):.
Ginell C, Reside D.  2022.  Carefully taught : American history through Broadway musicals /. :x,274pages:.
Gilbert W.S(Willia, Sullivan A, Bradley IC.  2016.  The complete annotated Gilbert and Sullivan . :xvi,1267pages.
Gibson K.  2017.  Cultural histories of noise, sound and listening in Europe, 1300-1918 . :xii,279pages:.
Gemmell K..  2011.  Cubase 6 : tips and tricks /. :200p.:.
Gaulier A, Martin D.  2017.  Cape Town harmonies : memory, humour and resilience. :xxvii,337pages.
Garcia-Testal E.  2017.  Contrato de trabajo y propiedad intelectual de los artistas musicales.. :362p..
Gann K.  2017.  Charles Ives's Concord : essays after a sonata /. :xiii,438pages:.
