Recent Publications in Music

438 resultats trouvés
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István N, András S, Emőke S.  2019.  Mezőségi daloskönyv. Kallós Archívum. :472.
Ákos W, Melinda B.  2019.  Mihalovich Ödön. Magyar zeneszerzők. 40:51.
Arnold J.  2019.  Music and faith : conversations in a post-secular age /. :1volume:.
Adkins M, Cummings S.  2019.  Music beyond airports : appraising ambient music /. :ix,234pages:.
Kallio AAnja, Alperson P, Westerlund H.  2019.  Music, education, and religion : intersections and entanglements /. :viii,288pages;.
Akuno EAchieng'.  2019.  Music education in Africa : concept, process, and practice /. :1volume:.
János B, Ádám I.  2019.  Muszorgszkij Hovanscsinája. Musica scientia. :356,110.
Allen L.  2019.  My thoughts exactly . :1volume;.
Abramovich-Gomon A.  2019.  The Nenets' song : a microcosm of a vanishing culture /. :1volume;.
Haupt A, Williams Q, H. Alim S, Jansen E.  2019.  Neva Again : Hip Hop Art, Activism and Education in Post-Apartheid South Africa. :xiii,536.
Adlington R.  2019.  New music theatre in Europe : transformations between 1955-1975 /. :1onlineresource:.
Adlington R.  2019.  New music theatre in Europe : transformations between 1955-1975 /. :1volume:.
Adorno TW, Hoban W, Adorno TW, Adorno TW.  2019.  Night music : essays on music 1928-1962 /. :1volume;.
Adorno TW, Hoban W, Adorno TW, Adorno TW.  2019.  Night music : essays on music 1928-1962 /. :1volume;.
Adorno TW, Hoban W, Adorno TW, Adorno TW.  2019.  Night music : essays on music 1928-1962 /. :1volume;.
Roud S, Atkinson D.  2019.  Old Songs, New Discoveries : Selected Papers from the 2018 Folk Song Conference /. 2:vi,162pages:.
Abel SD.  2019.  Opera in the flesh : sexuality in operatic performance /. :1onlineresource.
Anderton A.  2019.  Rubble music : occupying the ruins of postwar Berlin, 1945-1950 /. :x,183pages:.
Allen GSeven.  2019.  The singer acts/the actor sings : a practical guide to living through song /. :1onlineresource..
Sanjek D, Attah T, Duffett M, Halligan B.  2019.  Stories we could tell : putting words to American popular music /. :vi,242pages;.
László S, Gábor S, Ágnes K.  2019.  Szalkai-kódex : Szalkai László esztergomi érsek iskoláskönyve. :LIII,522.
Archer SGordon.  2019.  The tales behind the tunes of glory : the inspiration for our best-known pipe music /. 1:ix,96pages:.
Alldritt K.  2019.  Vaughan Williams : composer, radical, patriot : a biography /. :1volume:.
Attila H, Péter Á.  2019.  Vízmelléki népzene : Kozák József ádámosi prímás dallamai. Népzenei füzetek. Hangszeres népzenei példatár. :132.
Ashbee A.  2019.  William Lawes (1602-1645) : essays on his life, times and work /. :1volume;.
