Recent Publications in Music
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Making diaspora in a global city : South Asian youth cultures in London /. 10:136pages;24cm..
2015. Zenei repertoár és zenei gyakorlat a 18. századi Magyarországon . Műhelytanulmányok a 18. század zenetörténetéhez . 2:450.
2017. The Oxford handbook of music and the body . :xiv,458pages;.
2019. Bumping into BTS . :239pages:.
2020. Tradition and creativity in Korean taegum flute performance . :1onlineresource:.
2022. Body and Force in Music : Metaphoric Constructions in Music Psychology.. :1onlineresource(xiv,158pages)..
2023. The Cambridge companion to K-pop . :xv,295pages:.
2023. Music and religious education in early modern Europe : the musical edification of the church /. :xii,259pages:.
2023. French art song : history of a new music, 1870-1914 /. v. 186:xxi,445pages:.
2022. Benjamin Britten : a life in the twentieth century /. :xvi,665p.:.
2013. Chopin's piano : a journey through romanticism /. :xvii,349pages:.
2019. Tōhoku no minzoku geinō to sairei gyōji . :xv,411pages:.
2017. The life and music of Teresa Carreño (1853-1917) : a guide to research /. volume 41:xv,349pages:.
2019. .
2021. .
2022. Oasis : life in pictures /. :1volume(unpaged):.
2012. .
2011. Learning music theory with Logic, Max, and Finale . :1volume:.
2020. Switched-on Bach . v. 141.:vii,109pages:.
2019. Proceedings of the Worldwide Music Conference 2021. . volume 8:1onlineresource..
2021. More myself : a journey /. :viii,256pages;.
2020. Music and urban life in baroque Germany . :xii,336pages:.
2022. .
2023. Gender, sex and sexuality in musical theatre : he/she/they could have danced all night /. :xxvii,323pages:.
2023. Rethinking music education and social change . :1onlineresource(200pages).