Recent Publications in Music
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2020. .
Historia de la música en España e Hispanoamérica. Volumen 5: La música en España en el siglo XIX.. :752p..
2018. .
2017. .
2019. Historia de la danza. :volumes.
2015. .
2017. Histoire de l'opéra français : du Roi-Soleil à la Révolution /. :1259pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2021. Histoire de l'opéra français : du Consulat aux débuts de la IIIe République /. :1258pages,16unnumberedpagesofcolorplates:.
2020. .
2012. .
2018. Hip-hop production : inside the beats /. :viii,146pages:.
2022. Hip-hop is history . :342pages;.
2024. Hiphop . :33sider:.
2021. Hip hop's hostile gospel : a post-soul theological exploration /. volume 6:xv,222pages;.
2017. .
2019. Hip hop around the world : an encyclopedia /. :1onlineresource(xliii,894pages):.
2019. Hinterland remixed : media, memory, and the Canadian 1970s /. :xii,248pages:.
2019. Hindemith-Schott : der Briefwechsel /. :4volumes(695,756,764,258pages):.
2020. .
2019. .
2020. .
2016. Highland laddie : the musical heritage of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders /. :viii,48pages,44unnumberedpagesofplates,45unnumberedpagesoftables:.
2013. .
2016. High school . :ix,369pages:.