Recent Publications in Music
Beka-Lindstrom records in the United Kingdom . no. 11:24pages;.
2013. Beka-Lindstrom records in the United Kingdom . no. 11:22p.;.
2011. Bejárt utak : önéletrajzi jegyzetek. Álarcok. :301.
2017. Being true to works of music . :viii,194pages;.
2020. .
2019. Being Gerry Mulligan : my life in music /. :xi,338pages:.
2023. Being a singer : the art, craft, and science /. :xvii,228pages:.
2020. Behind the boards II : the making of rock 'n' roll's greatest records revealed /. :viii,292pages;23cm.
2014. .
2020. Beggars Banquet and the Rolling Stones' rock and roll revolution : `they call my name disturbance` /. :1onlineresource(viii,215pages)..
2020. Begejstret musikundervisning : bogen om DIM. :69sider:.
2020. .
2020. .
2018. Before Bach and Telemann : the style and structure of unaccompanied Austro-German works for violin in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries /. :viii86leaves,bound:music,illustrations;30cm..
2016. .
2020. .
2020. Beethovens Vermächtnis : mit Beethoven im Exil : Bericht über das internationale Symposium, Bonn, 1. bis 3. März 2018 : mit einer Edition der gleichnamigen Studie von Paul Bekker /. Band 32:x,471pages:.
2022. Beethoven's theatrical quartets : opp. 59, 74, and 95 /. :xiii,282pages:.
2013. Beethoven's Symphony no. 9 . :1onlineresource(xi,161pages):.
2018. Beethoven's symphonies arranged for the chamber : sociability, reception, and canon formation /. :xvii,258pages:.
2021. Beethoven's string quartet in C-sharp minor, op. 131 . :vi,142pages:.
2021. Beethoven's orchestral music : an owner's manual /. no. 33:xxi,204pages;.
2021. .
2020. Beethoven's French piano : a tale of ambition and frustration /. :xxi,410pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.