Recent Publications in Music

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Campbell PShehan, Lum CHoo.  2019.  World music pedagogy. . :1onlineresource:.
Campbell S.  2011.  Irish blood, English heart: second-generation Irish musicians in England. :xii,260pages.
Campaign Choirs Writing Collective,.  2018.  Singing for our lives : stories from the street choirs /. :371pages:.
Campaign Choirs Writing Collective,.  2020.  Singing for our lives : stories from the street choirs /. :1onlineresource:.
Campagne A., Grassl M..  2022.  ANKLAENGE 2020/2021 : ""Cantare nel gravicembalo"" Ensemble- und Begleitpraxis in der italienischen Musikkultur um 1600 - Practices of ensemble playing and accompaniment in Italian musical culture c. 1600 /. :1onlineresource(262p.).
Camp GLouis.  2020.  Howard Hawks : music as communication in film /. :1onlineresource..
Camp GLouis.  2021.  Scoring the Hollywood actor in the 1950s . :1onlineresource:.
Cameron S.  2020.  An economic approach to the plagiarism of music . :ix,141pages:.
Camba J, López-García PIgnacio, Jimenez J.  2016.  Tangos, jazz-bands y cupletistas : crónicas musicales, de Caruso a Cléo de Mérode /. 21:269pages:illustrations;21cm..
Camal J.  2019.  Creolized aurality : Guadeloupean gwoka and postcolonial politics /. :x,234pages:.
Calvocoressi M.D, Biojout J-P.  2021.  Modeste Moussorgski . 90:176pages:.
Calvi J-C..  2018.  De gustibus sí disputandum. Una filosofía práctica del gusto y la improvisación musical. Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. :137p..
Callahan M, Kelley RDG, Akuno K.  2022.  Songs of slavery and emancipation . :1onlineresource(x,200pages):.
Calhoun SD.  2019.  U2 and the religious impulse : take me higher /. :1volume:.
Calero-Carramolino E, Pérez-Zalduondo G, Vega-Pichaco B.  2019.  Puentes sonoros y coreográficos durante el franquismo: Imaginarios, intercambios y propaganda en clave internacional. Música crítica. Musicología. 6:306.
Caldwell J.  2019.  Medieval music . 8:1volume;.
Calderón-Urreiztieta CE.  2016.  El beso y el mordisco : un museo imaginario con vestigios de armonía, consonancia y monocordios /. :146,4,viip.:il.;25cm..
Calandín-Hernández E.  2019.  Compromiso con la modernidad. Obra y estética musical de Francisco Llácer Pla. :284p..
Cairns D.  2019.  Berlioz : the making of an artist, 1803-1832 /. :1onlineresource..
Cairns D.  2019.  Berlioz : servitude and greatness, 1832-1869 /. :1onlineresource..
Cairns D.  2019.  Berlioz : the making of an artist, 1803-1832 /. :1onlineresource..
Cairns P.  2020.  The band rats 50 years on : the musings of a musician of HM Blues and Royals 1975-1986 /. :1volume;.
Cain T.  2017.  Teaching music differently . :vi,209pages;.
Cain MScott.  2017.  The Americana revolution : from country and blues roots to the Avett Brothers, Mumford & Sons, and beyond /. :xxxii,231pages:.
Caeyers J, Ecke A.  2020.  Beethoven : der einsame Revolutionär : eine Biographie /. :833Seiten:.
