Recent Publications in Music
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"Az újrafelhasznált anyag a lényeg" : Richard Wagner magyarországi jelenléte és recepciója . :241p..
2016. .
2022. Niels Viggo Bentzon : 1919-2=000. 5, :142sider.
2019. .
2019. Musical meaning : toward a critical history /. :ix,335pages:.
2021. Song acts : writings on words and music /. Volume 16:xix,463pages:.
2017. The thought of music. :xix,204pages:.
2016. .
2011. Music and the forms of life . :vii,194pages:.
2022. From the ruins of Enlightenment : Beethoven and Schubert in their solitude /. :xviii,247pages:.
2023. Classical Music in a Changing World : Crisis and Vital Signs.. :1onlineresource(xi,104pages).
2021. Topographie der Imaginationen : Johann Friedrich Rochlitz' musikalisches Italien um 1800 /. Band 54:414pages:.
2021. Music and war in the United States . :xvii,323pages:.
2019. .
2009. Kickstarting Italian opera in the Andes : the 1840s and the first opera companies /. :1onlineresource(66pages).
2023. The McCartney legacy. . :711pages:.
2022. Keyboard for dummies . :xii,340pages:.
2014. .
2017. .
2017. Szekvenciák a középkori Magyarországon : repertoár, tradíciók, dallamok . Musica Sacra Hungarica. 2:432.
2017. A középkori liturgikus költészet magyarországi emlékei : szekvenciák : kritikai dallamkiadás. Musica Sacra Hungarica. 1:385.
2017. .
2016. .
2016. Small places, operatice issues : opera and its peripheral worlds.. :1onlineresource..