Recent Publications in Music
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Stripping : an incomplete autobiography /. :361pages:illustrations,portraits;21cm..
2016. Structure and synthesis : the anatomy of practice /. :398pages:.
2021. .
2022. .
2022. Studies in Maltese Popular Music . :1onlineresource.
2021. .
2018. .
2019. .
2022. Sui shi jie ri ti xi zhong de gan nan ke jia yi shi yin yue yan jiu = 岁时节日体系中的赣南客家仪式音乐研究. Ke jia yan jiu xin shi ye cong shu = 客家研究新视野丛书. :272.
2015. .
2020. Sunlight & shadow : a listener's guide to Irish classical music : an approved appraisal of recorded music in CD format. :xiv,542pages:illustrations(blackandwhite,andcolour),music,portraits.
2019. .
2020. Supertanker : Kliché,1977-85. :255sider:.
2019. Supreme glamour . :239pages:.
2019. A supreme love : the music of jazz and the hope of the gospel /. :xi,206pages:.
2022. Surrender : 40 songs, one story /. :563pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2022. Suzuki mesōdo sekai ni yōji kakumei o : suzuki shin'ichi no ai to kyōiku /. :366pages44pages;.
2016. .
2022. .
2020. .
2023. .
2015. .
2018. Svjedočanstva dvojice hrvatskih autora 16. stoljeća kao izvori podataka o tursko-osmanlijskoj glazbi. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
2018. Sweet bitter blues : Washington, DC's homemade blues /. :1onlineresource(xiii,259pages).
2020. .