Recent Publications in Music
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Shinsaigo no chiiki bunka to hisaisha no minzokushi : fīrudo saigai jinbungaku no kōchiku /. :283pages:.
2018. .
2015. .
2017. Sibelius : Biografie /. :288pages:.
2015. Sonic histories of occupation : experiencing sound and empire in a global context /. :1onlineresource.
2022. .
2019. Statistical musicology : embracing Hindustani ragas /. :viii,185pages:.
2022. .
2020. .
2020. Selected letters of Michael Tippett . :1onlineresource..
2019. Speaking the piano : reflections on learning and teaching /. :1onlineresource..
2018. .
2019. Sonic booms : making music in an oil town /. :221pages;.
2019. .
2021. Sing! dare to sing even at night : receiving supernatural results by singing even in adversity /. :104pages:.
2019. Singing, sharing, soothing : Family-centred music therapy during painful procedures in neonatal care.
2019. Sound and sense in Franco-Flemish music of the Renaissance : sharps, flats, and the problem of 'musica ficta' /. volume 7:1onlineresource(xxv,598pages):.
2021. The synthesizer : a comprehensive guide to understanding, programming, playing, and recording the ultimate electronic music instrument /. :xv,410pages:.
2014. .
2016. Seachanges : music in the Mediterranean and Atlantic worlds, 1550-1800 /. vol. 2:319pages:.
2021. Singing Dante: the literary origins of Cinquecento monody. :viii,147pages:illustrations,music;25cm..
2014. Så længe jeg lever : en biografi om John Mogensen. :330sider:.
2019. The show must go on : what the performing arts were doing when they weren't doing what we know they do /. :136pages:.
2021. Sociolekt interpretů klasické hudby . :119stran:.
2022. Sonic possible worlds : hearing the continuum of sound /. :1onlineresource(x,254pages).