Recent Publications in Music
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Cymysgwyr . :211pages:.
2012. .
2017. Czech songs in Texas. volume 7:1onlineresource(xvi,240pages):.
2021. .
2016. .
2022. .
2021. Congreso Internacional de Danza, Investigación y Educación: Danza y Comunicación. Comunicar en danza. :480p..
2020. Contextuality of musicology : what, how, why and because. International Conference of the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. 14:410.
2020. .
2013. .
COS news. . :v.:.
2013. .
2013. .
2020. .
Crossover musicians in the twenty first century. :v,64leaves;30cm..