Recent Publications in Music
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Filtres: Première Lettre Du Nom De Famille est F [Clear All Filters]
Bach performance practice, 1945-1975 : a comprehensive review of sound recordings and literature /. :1onlineresource(329pages).
2017. Az új zene filozófiája. :238.
2017. .
2018. Az aquincumi orgona : a hangszerek királyának születése . Aquincumi zsebkönyvek. :80.
2017. Authenticity, medievalism, music . XXVII:1onlineresource(xviii,254pages):.
2018. Au-delà du style : conférences, masterclasses, conversations à Middelbourg, 1985, 1986, 1987 /. :586pages:.
2021. Att vara Loa Falkman . :245pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2017. .
2019. .
2015. Arnold Schönberg und die Komposition mit zwölf Tönen . :221Seitenin1Teil.
2023. Arnold Schönberg and composition with twelve tones . :221pages:.
2023. The Aquincum organ : birth of the king of all instruments. Aquincum pocket guide. :80.
2017. .
2016. .
2016. After all these years : our story /. :254pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Adolphe Adam, master of the romantic ballet, 1830-1856 . :xxvpages,pages543-717,approximately220pagesofplates:.
2023. Adolphe Adam, master of the opéra-comique, 1824-1856 . :xxvii,539pages,166unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2023. Acoustic guitar design. :1onlineresource.
2022. 1999 : the year the record industry lost control /. :xiii,557pages;.
2024. .
2019. .
2017. .