Recent Publications in Music

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Good-Perkins E.  2022.  Culturally sustaining pedagogies in music education : expanding culturally responsive teaching to sustain diverse musical cultures and identities /. :1onlineresource(viii,156pages):.
Morris J.  2020.  Culture and propaganda in World War II : music, film and the battle for national identity /. :1volume;.
Ho W-chung.  2023.  Culture, creativity, and music education in China : developments and challenges /. :1onlineresource..
Hayton J.  2022.  Culture from the slums : punk rock in East and West Germany /. :xv,364pages:.
Farnsworth B.  2020.  Curating Contemporary Music Festivals : A New Perspective on Music's Mediation /. v. 47:1onlineresource(326p.)..
Baker S, Istvandity L, Nowak R.  2019.  Curating pop : exhibiting popular music in the museum /. :x,179pages;.
Baker S, Istvandity L, Nowak R.  2019.  Curating pop : exhibiting popular music in the museum /. :x,179pages:.
Shopland N.  2019.  The curious case of the Eisteddfod baton . :1volume;.
Shopland N.  2019.  The curious case of the Eisteddfod baton . :1onlineresource..
Woods PA.  2013.  The curious life and work of Scott Walker . :xiv,367pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Cook J.  2020.  The cyclic mass : Anglo-continental exchange in the fifteenth century /. :1volume:.
Hâf M, Hâf M.  2012.  Cymru Afiach . :24unnumberedpages:.
Hâf M, Hâf M.  2012.  Cymru Afiach . :24unnumberedpages:.
White P, Løvgreen G..  2012.  Cymysgwyr . :211pages:.
Barbieri M.  2017.  Cynthia Hansell Bakić : vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore. :205.
Barton FA, Novak JK, Leary JP.  2021.  Czech songs in Texas. volume 7:1onlineresource(xvi,240pages):.
Horgas J.  2016.  Cziffra : Cziffra György fesztivál : MOMkult, 2016. február 19-28. . :87p..
Šašinková E.  2022.  České interpretační umění : významní pedagogové české kontrabasové školy na přelomu tisíciletí /. :174pages:.
Weiss J, Daňhelová LKuhar.  2021.  Čeští hudebníci ve Slovinsku v 19. a na začátku 20. století . 3:291stran:.
Conference Proceedings
Alonso-Calero J-maría, Díaz-Olaya A, Llorens-Gómez J-B.  2020.  Congreso Internacional de Danza, Investigación y Educación: Danza y Comunicación. Comunicar en danza. :480p..
Mlađenović TPopović.  2020.  Contextuality of musicology : what, how, why and because. International Conference of the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. 14:410.
