Recent Publications in Music
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Muzikološka ostavština Jurice Muraia : zbornik radova s okruglog stola održanog u Zagrebu, 4. prosinca 2014.. Okrugli stol Muzikološka ostavština Jurice Muraja (2014 ; Zagreb) . :126.
2016. Muzikološka ostavština Jurice Muraja = Musicological legacy of Jurica Murai : zbornik radova s okruglog stola održanog u Zagrebu, 4. prosinca 2014.. Muzikološka ostavština Jurice Muraja. :126.
2016. .
2014. "Nem pusztán zenész" : tanulmányok Liszt Ferencről. Musica scientia. :356.
2019. Nespatříte hada : Josef Čapek, František Hrubín, Jan Skácel, Miloslav Kabeláč /. :155pages:.
2016. Nespatříte hada : Josef Čapek, František Hrubín, Jan Skácel, Miloslav Kabeláč /. :155pages:.
2016. .
2017. .
2019. Niels Viggo Bentzon : 1919-2=000. 5, :142sider.
2019. Nihon kinseiki ni okeru gakuritsu kenkyū : "Ritsuryo shinsho" o chūshin to shite /. :xiv,296pages:.
2017. Nikolaos Chalikiopulos Mantzaros . 2:444Seiten:.
2015. .
2016. .
2020. Noise damage : my life as a rock'n'roll underdog /. :1onlineresource..
2020. Notes from the shallow end : the stories behind, beyond and between the album 'Drowning in the shallow' /. :91pages:.
2012. Nōbutai no sekai . :iii,331pages:.
2018. .
2018. .
Oasis : life in pictures /. :1volume(unpaged):.
2012. .
2018. Opus magnum Miloslava Kabeláče pro lidské hlasy. Proměny, opus 57. :1onlineresource(194p.).
2020. Outcast : kitaszítottan a világhírig. :331,[2]p.,[8]t..
2015. The Oxford handbook of music and the body . :xiv,458pages;.
2019. The Oxford handbook of sound and imagination . :2volumes:.