Recent Publications in Music
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The music of the spheres in the Western imagination . :x,249pages:.
2022. Music psychology . :1onlineresource..
2022. Music radio : building communities, mediating genres /. :x,329pages:.
2019. .
2020. .
2019. Music therapy in a multicultural context : a handbook for music therapy students and professionals /. :1volume:.
2020. Music therapy in a multicultural context : a handbook for music therapy students and professionals /. :1onlineresource:.
2020. The musical child : using the power of music to raise children who are happy, healthy, and whole /. :xvii,235pages:.
2021. Musical gentrification : popular music, distinction and social mobility. ISME global perspectives in music education series..
2021. Musical History as Seen through Contemporary Eyes Essays in Honor of H. Robert Cohen.. :1onlineresource(530p.).
2022. Musical meaning : toward a critical history /. :ix,335pages:.
2021. Musical Networking in the ‘Long 19th Century’: proceedings of the symposium held in ZAgreb 2-5 June 2021. Series Musicological proceedings. 25:652str..
2023. .
2021. Musik in der Science-Fiction = Music in science fiction. 64. Jahrgang (2019):364Seiten.
2019. .
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
2018. .
2018. Musiknordens oldies-guide : 1948-1979. :150sider:.
2021. .
2015. .
2014. "Nem pusztán zenész" : tanulmányok Liszt Ferencről. Musica scientia. :356.
2019. .