Recent Publications in Music

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Kendall DJ.  2022.  The music of the spheres in the Western imagination . :x,249pages:.
Kurth E, Tan D, Neidhöfer C.  2022.  Music psychology . :1onlineresource..
Michelsen M, Krogh M, Nielsen SKaargaard, Have I.  2019.  Music radio : building communities, mediating genres /. :x,329pages:.
Michelsen M, Krogh M, Nielsen SKaargaard, Have I.  2020.  Music radio : building communities, mediating genres /. :1volume:.
Kassler JCroy.  2019.  Music, science, philosophy : models in the universe of thought /. :1volume;.
Belgrave M, Kim S-A.  2020.  Music therapy in a multicultural context : a handbook for music therapy students and professionals /. :1volume:.
Belgrave M, Kim S-A.  2020.  Music therapy in a multicultural context : a handbook for music therapy students and professionals /. :1onlineresource:.
Koenig J.  2021.  The musical child : using the power of music to raise children who are happy, healthy, and whole /. :xvii,235pages:.
Dyndahl P., Karlsen S., Wright R..  2021.  Musical gentrification : popular music, distinction and social mobility. ISME global perspectives in music education series..
Knysak B., Blažeković Z..  2022.  Musical History as Seen through Contemporary Eyes Essays in Honor of H. Robert Cohen.. :1onlineresource(530p.).
Kramer L.  2021.  Musical meaning : toward a critical history /. :ix,335pages:.
[Anonyme].  2023.  Musical Networking in the ‘Long 19th Century’: proceedings of the symposium held in ZAgreb 2-5 June 2021. Series Musicological proceedings. 25:652str..
Kjær SJensen.  2021.  Musicalized Characters : A study of music, multimodality, and the empiric child perspective on mainstream animation.
Holtsträter K, Krohn T, Noeske N, Strank W.  2019.  Musik in der Science-Fiction = Music in science fiction. 64. Jahrgang (2019):364Seiten.
Ivarson K, Printz S, Berggren J, Eriksson J, Forsén A, Kajfeš D, Laxéll C, Löwdin B, Román G, Öhrström H et al..  2015.  Musiken i rörelsen och rörelsens musik : texter om samspelet mellan musik, dans och cirkus.
Abelli T, Berger B"Beche", Berger T, Bothén C, Eriksson Å, Gartz TMera, Hammarlund J, Haapala T, Hoffsten L, Håkansson K et al..  2015.  Musikerminnen : svenska musikers egna berättelser : en antologi.
Abelli T, Berger B"Beche", Berger T, Bothén C, Eriksson Å, Gartz TMera, Hammarlund J, Haapala T, Hoffsten L, Håkansson K et al..  2015.  Musikerminnen : svenska musikers egna berättelser : en antologi.
Abelli T, Berger B"Beche", Berger T, Bothén C, Eriksson Å, Gartz TMera, Hammarlund J, Haapala T, Hoffsten L, Håkansson K et al..  2015.  Musikerminnen : svenska musikers egna berättelser : en antologi.
Fredriksson D, Arvidsson A, Kaijser L, Bjälesjö J.  2018.  Musiklandskap [Elektronisk resurs] musik och kulturpolitik i Dalarna.
Fredriksson D, Arvidsson A, Kaijser L, Bjälesjö J.  2018.  Musiklandskap [Elektronisk resurs] musik och kulturpolitik i Dalarna.
Kjellberg S.  2021.  Musiknordens oldies-guide : 1948-1979. :150sider:.
Kelemen É.  2015.  Művészetek vándora : a zeneszerző Csáth Géza.
Āhamada A, la Nāśida K, Kabir A.  2014.  My life in melodies.
Klára H.  2019.  "Nem pusztán zenész" : tanulmányok Liszt Ferencről. Musica scientia. :356.
Machalíková P, Winter T, Dobiáš D, Fedrová S, Kordík P, Cassling R, Lewitová IUrwin, Čapek J, Hrubín F, Hrubín F et al..  2016.  Nespatříte hada : Josef Čapek, František Hrubín, Jan Skácel, Miloslav Kabeláč /. :155pages:.
