Recent Publications in Music
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Heavy : how metal changes the way we see the world /. :1onlineresource:.
2020. .
2019. Hans von Bülow. :656.
2018. Hans Richter . :1onlineresource(806pages):.
2016. A hangok csodálatos világa . :62.
2023. .
2019. .
2015. .
2015. .
The groovology of white affect : boeremusiek and the enregisterment of race in South Africa /. :xv,231pages:.
2024. Great oboists on music and musicianship . :1onlineresource(x,285pages).
2021. Grant & I : inside and outside the Go-Betweens /. :339pages;24cm..
2016. .
2018. The golden shore . :xxvii,502pages:.
2023. .
2019. Gilbert Kalish, American pianist . no. 9:xvi,259pages:.
2021. Gift dig aldrig med en spelman : röster om folkmusik i Dalarna, från Isakes Kisti till Päkkos Gustaf.
2020. Giacomo Puccini : a discography.. :1onlineresource(iv,230pages).
2021. Giacomo Meyerbeer : the deliberately forgotten composer /. :xiii,239pages:.
2020. Get the callback : the art of auditioning for musical theatre /. :1onlineresource..
2016. .
2020. Gerald Finzi's letters, 1915-1956 . :xxvi,1052pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2021. Gàidhlig. . :31,51,[2]foldedp.ofplates:.
2011. Fromental Halévy and his operas, 1799-1841 . :xviii,508pages,158unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2021. .