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Zapke S, Rathkolb O, Raminger K, Friehs JTeresa, Wladika M.  2020.  Die Musikschule der Stadt Wien im Nationalsozialismus : eine "ideologische Lehr- und Lerngemeinschaft" /. :295pages:.
Zapke S, Fichna W.  2023.  Die Musik des Wiener Praters : eine liederliche Träumerei : unbekannte Lieder aus zwei Jahrhunderten /. :278Seiten:.
Zarate R.  2022.  Music psychotherapy and anxiety : social, community and clinical contexts /. :269pages:.
Zauner M.  2021.  Crying in H Mart : a memoir /. :1onlineresource(239pages).
Zazulia E.  2021.  Where sight meets sound : the poetics of late-medieval music writing /. :1onlineresource(xxix,308pages):.
Zdanowicz G, Bambrick S.  2019.  The game audio strategy guide : a practical course /. :1onlineresource:.
Zehren M.  2024.  Towards automatic DJ mixing : cue point detection and drum transcription.
Zembylas T, Niederauer M.  2019.  Composing processes and artistic agency : tacit knowledge in composing /. :1volume:.
Zeppetelli J, Shiffman V, Simmons S, Ringuet C.  2018.  Leonard Cohen : a crack in everything /. :160pages:.
Zerbe MJ.  2019.  The rock-'n'-roll guide to grammar and style . :1onlineresource..
Zervos G.  2016.  Apo tēn archikē empnefsē stēn telikē morfopoiēsē = Από την αρχική έμπνευση στην τελική μορφοποίηση. :190p..
Zhang B, Lam C-wah, Yuan J.  2023.  Comprehensive introduction to Chinese traditional music . Music volume:647pages:.
Zhang, Deyu = 章德瑜, Qian H.  2015.  Xi ju xiao diao = 锡剧小调 . :120.
Zhang, Wei = 张巍.  2015.  Shou jie“liang an san di”yin yue yi shu zhuan ye bo shi yan jiu sheng xue shu lun tan lun wen ji = 首届“两岸三地”音乐艺术专业博士研究生学术论坛论文集. :406.
Zhang, Xiaoxia = 张笑侠.  2015.  Guo ju yun dian = 国剧韵典. Zhongguo xi qu yi shu da xi, shi lun juan = 中国戏曲艺术大系. 史论卷. :561.
Zhang, Xin = 张欣.  2015.  Zhong guo liu xing yin yue de fa zhan ji feng ge yan jiu = 中国流行音乐的发展及风格研究. :224.
Zhang, Xin = 张欣, Zhang, Yingfen = 张迎芬.  2015.  Zhong guo min zu min jian yin lue zheng ti feng mao yu li lun yan jiu = 中国民族民间音乐整体风貌与理论研究. :316.
