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Weltman S.  2012.  Learn to play harmonica : over 100 illustrated chords for blues, rock, country and soul /. :224pages:.
Wennberg, iv S.  2015.  Jag sjunger ut! : ett dramatiskt sångarliv : memoarer.
Wente ARebecca.  2022.  The player piano and musical labor : the ghost in the machine /. :xiv,149pages:.
Werger C, Jaschke AC, Groothuis M.  2021.  Navigating music technology . 28:255pages:.
Wertheimer A, E. Perry W, Henderson A.  2013.  Elvis 1956 . :127pages:.
West C, Titlebaum M.  2019.  Teaching school jazz : perspectives, principles, and strategies /. :viii,278pages:.
West B.  2024.  The American musical : evolution of an art form /. :xii,415pages:.
West C.  2020.  Eurovision! : a history of modern Europe through the world's greatest song contest /. :1volume;.
Western T.  2020.  National phonography : field recording, sound archiving, and producing the nation in music /. :1volume;.
Westhoff B.  2017.  Original gangstas : Tupac Shakur, Dr. Dre, Eazy-E, Ice Cube, and the birth of West Coast rap /. :viii,422pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Westminster Media Forum,.  2012.  The UK music industry – copyright, business models and the next steps for the Live Music Act, 10th July 2012. . :1onlineresource(80pages).
Westvall M, Borg M.  2016.  Musiker och folkbildare : fem porträtt av musiker som började sin bana inom militärmusiken.
Westvall M, Lidskog R, Pripp O.  2018.  Migration, musik, mötesplatser : föreningsliv och kulturproduktion i ett föränderligt samhälle.
Westvall M, Akuno EAchieng'.  2024.  Music as agency : diversities of perspectives on artistic citizenship /. :xiv,146pages:.
Wetterqvist A.  2016.  J:son : ett lätt turbulent porträtt.
Wheaton R.J.  2011.  Dummy . :x,235p.:.
Whedon J, Watkins J.  2011.  Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog : the book /. :160p.:.
Wheeldon M.  2017.  Debussy's legacy and the construction of reputation . :x,228pages:.
Whidden L, Shore PJ.  2019.  Environment matters : why song sounds the way it does /. Vol. 8:ix,274pages:.
White M.  2019.  Staging musicals : an essential guide /. :1onlineresource..
White B.  2019.  Music for St Cecilia's Day : from Purcell to Handel /. v. 22:1onlineresource(xx,377pages):.
White D.  2024.  The music of Harry Potter and The Lord of the rings : sounds of home in the fantasy franchise /. :xiv,206pages:.
White H..  2020.  Well-tempered festschrift : reading "Music Preferred.". :1onlineresource.
White D.  2012.  Will-i-am : the unauthorized biography /. :224p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
White D.  2013.  Rihanna : the unauthorized biography /. :224pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
