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Watson L.  2019.  Paul Dukas : composer and critic /. :xiv,289pages:.
Watson A.  2015.  Cultural production in and beyond the recording studio. 47:1onlineresource..
Watt P, Scott DB, Spedding P.  2017.  Cheap print and popular song in the nineteenth century : a cultural history of the songster /. :xiv,250pages:.
Watt P, Scott DB, Spedding P.  2020.  Cheap print and popular song in the nineteenth century : a cultural history of the songster /. :1volume:.
Way LCS.  2019.  Popular music and multimodal critical discourse studies : ideology, control and resistance in Turkey since 2002 /. :1volume;.
Webb MD.  2019.  Ottorino Respighi : his life and times /. :1volume;.
Webb J.  2017.  The cake and the rain : a memoir /. :346pages:.
Weber Z.  2019.  Glazbe prije svega. :650.
Weber W, Wilcox B.  2021.  Canonic repertories and the French musical press : Lully to Wagner /. v. 177:1onlineresource.
Webster P.  2019.  A wanderer by trade : gender in the songs of Bob Dylan /. :vii,187pages;.
Wehn J, Bortot D.  2019.  Könnt ihr uns hören? : eine Oral History des deutschen Rap / :463pages,[16pagesofplates]:.
Weid J-Nvon der..  2021.  Scherzos insolites . :340pages;.
Weinel J.  2021.  Explosions in the mind : composing psychedelic sounds and visualisations /. :1onlineresource..
Weinstein A, Hallgren SW.  2023.  Composing for the screen . :xvi,211pages:.
Weiss J, Daňhelová LKuhar.  2021.  Čeští hudebníci ve Slovinsku v 19. a na začátku 20. století . 3:291stran:.
Weissman D.  2017.  Understanding the music business : real world insights /. :1onlineresource.
Weissman D.  2020.  A new history of American and Canadian folk music. :vi,331pages;.
Weissman D.  2019.  A new history of American and Canadian folk music . :1onlineresource.
Welch G, Howard DM, Nix J.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of singing . :xxxvi,1150pages:.
Welch G, Howard DM, Nix J.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of singing . :xxxvi,1150pages:.
Weliver P.  2019.  Mary Gladstone and the Victorian salon : music, literature, liberalism /. :1volume:.
Wellington T.  2021.  Freak Out : How a Musical Revolution Rocked the World in the Sixties /. :1onlineresource.
Wellmer A, György CPéter, Ádám I.  2019.  Esszé a zenéről és a nyelvről. :400.
Wells CJay.  2021.  Between beats : the jazz tradition and black vernacular dance /. :1onlineresource(xviii,254pages):.
Welsh Association of Male Choirs..  2012.  A joint festival of massed male voice choirs : Saturday 24th March, 2012 MCR Arena, Manchester /. :66p.:.
