Recent Publications in Music

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Vergōtēs N.  2016.  Ta mousika mas idrymata: Ē istoria mias pentēkontaetias [1871-1924] = Τα μουσικά μας ιδρύματα: Η ιστορία μιας πεντηκονταετίας [1871-1924]. :343p..
Camba J, López-García PIgnacio, Jimenez J.  2016.  Tangos, jazz-bands y cupletistas : crónicas musicales, de Caruso a Cléo de Mérode /. 21:269pages:illustrations;21cm..
Kerridge A.  2016.  Tape's rolling, take one! : the recording life of Adrian Kerridge /. :vi,322pages:.
Hochradner T, Köchel L.  2016.  Thematisches Verzeichnis der Werke von Johann Joseph Fux (? 1660-1741), (FuxWV) :volumes:.
Cassar-Daley T, Gilling T.  2016.  Things I carry around. :309pages:16pagesofunnumberedplates;.
K. MH.  2016.  Thirty years of anger : one man's journey through the Australian underground hardcore punk & extreme metal scenes /.
Duff J, Meldrum M.  2016.  This will explain everything. :246pages:colourillustrations,portraits;25cm..
Kramer L.  2016.  The thought of music. :xix,204pages:.
Zi Y= 紫茵.  2016.  Tiao Xian:yin yue hui xian chang yue ping = 调弦:56场音乐会现场乐评. Zi Yin yin yue bi ji = 紫茵音乐笔记 . :347.
Pike C.  2016.  Time to remember : Budgie's heavy revolution 1980 - 2010. :xxxiv.
Hamberlin L.  2016.  Tin Pan opera : operatic novelty songs in the ragtime era /. :336pages:.
Sylivos T, Negropontēs G.  2016.  To tragoudi tēs siōpēs = Το τραγούδι της σιωπής. :143p..
Melbourne H.  2016.  Toiapiapi: he huinga o nga kura puoro a te Maori : a collection of Maori musical treasures, 25th anniversary edition. :64.
O'Neill B.  2016.  Tones that are tender : Percy French 1854-1920 . :176pages.
Jones JE.  2016.  A topical survey of nineteenth-century music . :1onlineresource(32pages):.
Mezey J.  2016.  Történetek a Mezey kántorcsaládról . A vallási kultúrakutatás könyvei, Várostörténeti és néprajzi tanulmányok. :109p..
Fraile-Gil JManuel..  2016.  Tradición oral y zambomba . :734p.;.
Kádár AJ.  2016.  A trecento költészete és a zene . :112p..
Maruyama T..  2016.  Tsugawa shuichi no shōgai to gyōseki : kami to hito to ongaku toni tsukaete /. :253pages;.
Gunji M.  2016.  Tsuruya nanboku : kabuki ga unda mukyōyō no hyōgen shugi /. 2378:221pages;.
