Recent Publications in Music
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Towards gender equality in the music industry : education, practice and strategies for change /. :xi,220pages;.
2019. Tótila Albert Ein Prophet des Dreimal Unser. :180Seiten.
2020. Tōhoku no minzoku geinō to sairei gyōji . :xv,411pages:.
2017. .
2018. Trabajos que nacen del espíritu. Estudios sobre música y literatura en la obra cervantina. Investigación y Patrimonio Musical; nº 10. :465.
2019. Tradición oral y zambomba . :734p.;.
2016. Tradition and craft in piano-playing. :xxii,273pages.
2014. Tradition and creativity in Korean taegum flute performance . :1onlineresource:.
2022. .
2018. Traditional music and Irish society : historical perspectives /. :xvi,350pages:.
2014. .
2012. Transatlantic malagueñas and zapateados in music, song and dance : Spaniards, natives, Africans, Roma /. :1volume;.
2019. Transcending dystopia : music, mobility, and the Jewish community in Germany, 1945-1989 /. :xxiii,613pages:.
2021. Transcultural sound practices : British Asian dance music as cultural transformation /. :xii,225pages;.
2020. The transformation of black music : the rhythms, the songs, and the ships that make the African diaspora /. :xxxv,240pages:.
2017. .
2019. .
2022. .
2022. Transforming ethnomusicology. . :1onlineresource(272pages):.
2021. Transforming ethnomusicology : methodologies, institutional structures & policies /. :1onlineresource(viii,272pages):.
2021. Transforming music education in P-12 schools and the community . :1onlineresource(xiv,240pages).
2020. .
2021. .
2020. Transmusicality = Transmuzikalnost : mastering a music from another culture . Muzikologija bez granica = Musicologie sans frontieres. :162.
2022. .