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Taishō jūnen taishō jūichinen . Nagoyahen-12:515pages;.
2018. Taishō=rekishi no odoriba to wa nani ka : gendai no kiten o saguru = 大正=歴史の踊り場とは何か :. 674:268pages:.
2018. .
2018. Tarot makes music : uncovering the surprising connection between tarot, modern music & creativity /. :72pages:.
2018. Tatros partján : gyimesbükki daloskönyv . :70+1CD.
2018. .
2018. That jealous demon, my wretched health : disease, death and composers /. :1onlineresource:.
2018. .
2018. .
2018. Three names - one history : City of Waterford Brass, St. Patrick's Brass Band, Thomas Francis Meagher Brass and Reed Band . :xii,282pages.
2018. Tiempo de Mariemma, tiempo de festivales. La danza y los Festivales de España (1960-1969). Mariemma y su tiempo.
2018. Time flowing backwards. :300.
2018. Tiszántúl református orgonái I.. Magyar református egyház javainak tára. 41:223.
2018. .
2018. .
2018. .
2018. .
2018. A tribute to Rudolf Firkušný, 1912-1994 : protégé of Leoš Janáček and lifelong friend of Bohuslav Martinů /. no. 9:viii,92pages:.
2018. Tŷ Cerdd : #Encore@TŷCerdd /. :9unnumberedpages:.
2018. Tŷ Cerdd : #Encore@TŷCerdd /. :9unnumberedpages:.
2018. Taiko no bunkashi . :284pages:.
2017. Takemitsu tōru : sekai ni hashi o kaketa ongakuka /. :111pages;.
2017. Talking machine west: a history and catalogue of Tin Pan Alleys western recordings, 1902-1918. :viii,200pages:illustrations;29cm..
2017. Taonga puoro + singing treasures : the musical instruments of the maori. :132pages:colourillustrations.