Recent Publications in Music

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Burgess TDe Mallet, Skilbeck N.  2020.  The singing and acting handbook : games and exercises for the performer /. :1onlineresource..
McCarthy DWilliam, Turek R.  2020.  Singing and dictation for today's musician . :1volume:.
Bendrups D.  2019.  Singing and survival : the music of Easter Island /. :xxii,195pages:.
Chapman JL.  2017.  Singing and teaching singing : a holistic approach to classical voice /. :xxi,371pages:illustrations,music;$c26cm.
Chapman JL, Morris R.  2023.  Singing and teaching singing : a holistic approach to classical voice /. :xx,620pages:.
Norton K.  2016.  Singing and wellbeing : ancient wisdom, modern proof /. :xxiv,202pages:.
Grana NDouglass.  2022.  A singing approach to horn playing : pitch, rhythm, and harmony training for horn /. :xv,231pages:.
Ruehl K.  2021.  A singing army : Zilphia Horton and the Highlander Folk School /. :299pages:.
Curkpatrick S.  2020.  Singing bones : ancestral creativity and collaboration /. :1onlineresource.
Vaughn C, Dayme M, Hoch M.  2024.  The singing book . :xxi,366pages:.
van Rijk EAbramov-.  2014.  Singing Dante: the literary origins of Cinquecento monody. :viii,147pages:illustrations,music;25cm..
Dell H, Hickey H.  2017.  Singing death : reflections on music and mortality /. :xii,202pages:.
Sanderson A., Kayes G..  2011.  Singing express songbook 4 : ages 8-9 /. :68p.:.
Campaign Choirs Writing Collective,.  2020.  Singing for our lives : stories from the street choirs /. :1onlineresource:.
Campaign Choirs Writing Collective,.  2018.  Singing for our lives : stories from the street choirs /. :371pages:.
Schleuse P.  2015.  Singing games in early modern Italy : the music books of Orazio Vecchi /. :x,372pages:.
Nkwi WGam.  2021.  Singing our unsung heroes : remembering Manu Dibango, celebrating Cameroon music /. :1onlineresource.
Harrison PT.  2014.  Singing : personal and performance values in training /. :xxiii,263pages:.
Esse M.  2021.  Singing Sappho improvisation and authority in nineteenth-century Italian opera /. :1onlineresource.
Ullsten A.  2019.  Singing, sharing, soothing : Family-centred music therapy during painful procedures in neonatal care.
Gillies RLouis.  2022.  Singing Soviet stagnation : vocal cycles from the USSR, 1964-1985 /. :1onlineresource..
Young M.  2020.  Singing the body electric : the human voice and sound technology /. :1volume;.
Paterson L.  2018.  Singing the crusades : French and Occitan Lyric responses to the crusading movements, 1137-1336 /. :1onlineresource..
Simmons C.  2022.  Singing the goddess into place : locality, myth, and social change in Chamundi of the hill, a Kannada folk ballad /. :xviii,245pages:.
Wilkins F.  2019.  Singing the gospel along Scotland's North-East coast, 1859-2009 . :1volume:.
