Recent Publications in Music

221 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Nordström G.  2015.  Musikhistoria : introduktion till klassisk musik : 30 kompositörer varav 15 svenska.
Dokalik D, Fischer P, Waldingbrett I.  2017.  Musik-Urheberrecht österreichisches Urheberrecht für Komponisten, Musiker, Musiknutzer und Produzenten. :247Seiten.
Nickleson P.  2023.  The names of minimalism : authorship, art music, and historiography in dispute /. :1onlineresource(xi,253pages):.
Nielsen J-E.  2020.  Når jeg ser et rødt flag smælde : en biografi om arbejderdigteren Oskar Hansen. :152sider.
Nahshon E.  2016.  New York's Yiddish theater : from the Bowery to Broadway /. :327pages:.
Fukushima K, Arai K., Nelson SG.  2018.  Nihon no insatsu gakufu = 日本の印刷楽譜. Early printed music notations of Japan /. 2:244,41pages:.
Nono L, De Benedictis AIda, Rizzardi V.  2018.  Nostalgia for the future : Luigi Nono's selected writings and interviews /. 21:x,490pages;.
Ngqungwana M.  2018.  Odyssey of an African Opera Singer. :x,195.
Nihon Gakkō Ongaku Kyōiku Gissen Gakkai..  2017.  Ongaku kyōiku jissengaku jiten : gakkō ongaku no riron to jissen o tsunagu /. :319pages:.
Over B, Nieden GZur.  2021.  Operatic pasticcios in 18th-century Europe : contexts, materials and aesthetics /. volume 45:795pages:.
Gárdonyi Z, Nordhoff H, Terray B.  2017.  Összhang és tonalitás : a harmóniatörténet stílusjegyei. :260.
Beye A, Ndiaye SNdéné.  2019.  Oumar Pène : L'histoire D'une Épopée Musicale. :156.
Neumeyer D.  2014.  The Oxford handbook of film music studies . :x,683pages:.
Maus FEverett, Whiteley S, Nyongó TAmolo Ochi, Sherinian ZC.  2022.  The Oxford handbook of music and queerness . :xiii,676pages:.
Welch G, Howard DM, Nix J.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of singing . :xxxvi,1150pages:.
Welch G, Howard DM, Nix J.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of singing . :xxxvi,1150pages:.
McAuley T, Nielsen N, Levinson J.  2020.  The Oxford handbook of western music and philosophy . :1onlineresource(1152pages):.
Connor G.  2011.  PAN! : the steelband movement in Britain /. :134pages:.
Nanayakkara G.  2019.  Performers' rights in Sri Lanka : singers' melancholia /. :1volume:.
Nakamizo K, Abe T.  2016.  Pianos in Gakkigaku Shiryôkan : Collection for Organology /. :218s.:.
Nakamizo K.  2016.  Pianos in Gakkigaku Shiryōkan (Collection for Organology), Kunitachi College of Music . :218Seiten.
Nelson J.  2022.  The political in Rimsky-Korsakov's operas . :xii,254pages:.
Baker S, Cantillon Z, Nowak RI⁸l.  2023.  Popular music heritage, cultural justice and the deindustrialising city . :1onlineresource(76pages).
Arató G, Nemes G, Vajk Á.  2016.  Primus inter omnes : tanulmányok Bedy Vince születésének 150. évfordulójára . A Győri Egyházmegyei Levéltár Kiadványai. 25:846p..
Neate W..  2013.  Read & burn : a book about Wire /. :429p.:.
