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Höhn J.  2016.  Hudební nástroje. . I. řada, díl IX.:127stran:.
Höhn J.  2014.  Hudební nástroje. . řada 1, díl 9:111s.:.
Howland J.  2021.  Hearing Luxe Pop : glorification, glamour, and the middlebrow in American popular music /. 2:1onlineresource(x,381pages)..
Hogwood C, Ádám V.  2021.  Händel. :351.
Hodge DWhite.  2017.  Hip hop's hostile gospel : a post-soul theological exploration /. volume 6:xv,222pages;.
Hirai Nemi..  2018.  Hippuhoppu tōō : nishisurabugo ando majarugo rappu dokuhon /. 2:279pages;.
Hindemith P, Schaal-Gotthardt S, Schader L, Winkler H-J.  2020.  Hindemith-Schott : der Briefwechsel /. :4volumes(695,756,764,258pages):.
Herstand A.  2023.  How to make it in the new music business : practical tips on building a loyal following and making a living as a musician /. :xxii,627pages:.
Hernández-Urculo Z.  2017.  Historia coral de Santander, crisálidas (1865-1900).. :278p..
Herbert T, Clarke M, Barlow H.  2023.  A history of Welsh music . :1onlineresource(xxxiv,444pages):.
Hartnoll P, Hartnoll P.  2019.  Halcyon and on and on : the story of orbital and the rise of rave /. :1onlineresource.
Hartnoll P, Hartnoll P.  2020.  Halcyon and on and on : the story of Orbital and the rise of rave /. :1volume;.
Hart C, Allix D., Bloom J..  2011.  A Hart life . :xii,241p.,[32]p.ofplates:.
Hammarlund J.  2020.  Hjördis Schymberg : sågverksjäntan som blev hovsångerska.
Hair R, Smith TRuys.  2017.  Harry Smith's Anthology of American folk music : America changed through music /. :x,267pages:.
