Recent Publications in Music

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Walker A, Ádám I, Boldizsár F.  2020.  Fryderyk Chopin . :782.
Abril CR, Gault BM.  2022.  General music : dimensions of practice /. :xii,357pages:.
Auenmüller J..  2020.  Getrennt vereint - Stimmen und Klänge der Nachwendezeit. Zum Umgang mit Musik aus der DDR und den neuen Bundesländern nach 1990. . 50:354p..
Arditi D.  2020.  Getting signed : record contracts, musicians, and power in society /. :1volume:.
Arsenty R, Letellier RIgnatius.  2013.  Giacomo Meyerbeer : a discography of vintage recordings 1889 - 1955 /. :xxxviii,393pages:.
Kennedy M, Aries J.  2019.  Glyndebourne : a short history /. :87pages:.
Alge B.  2021.  Gold, festivals, and music in southeast Brazil : sounding Portugueseness /. :1onlineresource..
Australian Capital Territory..  2020.  Government response to the Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Youth Affairs on the cessation of the music for colleges course Report 7. . :1onlineresource(8pages).
Allen K.  2013.  Gracious ladies : the Norbury Family and Edward Elgar : a chronicle with documents.. :xiv,957pages,90unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Attila R.  2022.  Gramofon 25 - Zenetudományi és zenekritikai antológia . Gramofon könyvek. :350.
Arnold R.J.  2020.  Grétry's operas and the French public : from the old regime to the restoration /. :1volume:.
Abromont C, Boisselier L.  2019.  Guide de l'analyse musicale . :457pages:.
Andrea A.  2020.  A gyermekek énekhangképzésének elmélete és gyakorlata . :75.
Adams D.  2022.  A handbook of diction for singers : Italian, German, French /. :xv,325pages;.
Hogwood C, Ádám V.  2021.  Händel. :351.
Hart C, Allix D., Bloom J..  2011.  A Hart life . :xii,241p.,[32]p.ofplates:.
Magdolna J, Árpád KKun.  2021.  "Hát újra itt..." : operettkánon és - műfaj. :239.
Scaricaciottoli E, Díaz NVaras, Araujo DNevárez.  2020.  Heavy metal music in Argentina : in black we are seen /. :1onlineresource(xxiv,105pages)..
Allison B, Elkins E, Olivarez V, Brooks K.  2020.  Hidden history of Music Row . :185pages:.
Altman J.  2022.  Hidden man : my many musical lives /. :x,278pages:.
Andreasen MWenzel..  2020.  Hildegard von Bingen : musikhistoriens forste navngivne komponist /. :118pages:.
Alexander PCharles.  2022.  Hip-hop production : inside the beats /. :viii,146pages:.
Alier R.  2020.  Historia de la ópera: los orígenes, los protagonistas y la evolución del género lírico hasta la actualidad. :378p..
Ares-Yebra J.  2021.  Historia, estética y política en la "Poética musical": La "constelación Stravinski" en el París de entreguerras. :290.
Abbate C, Parker R.  2012.  A history of opera : the last four hundred years /. :xix,603pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:.
