Recent Publications in Music
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Kabuki to kakumei Roshia : 1928-nen Sadanji Ichiza hōso kōen to Nichi-Ro engeki kōryū /. :387pages:.
2017. .
2022. Keld & Hilda Heick. :144sider.
2020. Knowing the children we teach : essays on music learning /. :xvii,130pages:.
2023. .
2023. .
2018. La Nilsson : opera az életem . :416.
2020. La verdad : an international dialogue on hip hop Latinidades /. :xiv,317pages;.
2016. Le voile de Pythagore : du son à l'objet /. 17:392pages;.
2021. Leftover Salmon : thirty years of festival! /. :xv,391pages:.
2019. .
2015. Les misérables : from stage to screen /. :96pages:.
2013. Life on track Zoltán Kodály. :726.
2018. Ligeti's macroharmonies : a graphical-statistical analysis of Book 3 of the piano etudes /. :1onlineresource(1volume):.
2022. Living ethnomusicology : paths and practices /. :xx,480pages:.
2019. .
2020. Los instrumentos musicales tradicionales de La Palma.. Decires: Cuadernos Palmeses de Folklore. 9:144p..
2017. .
2018. Love & rage : autonomy in Mexico city's punk scene /. :xi,207pages:.
2022. .
2019. Marching to the drums : a history of military drums and drummers /. :159pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2012. .
2019. Memories of musical lives : music and dance in personal music collections from Australia and New Zealand. Australasian Research.
2022. Michael Nyman : collected writings /. :xviii,377pages:.
2013. Mick Jagger . :xvi,622pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.