Recent Publications in Music

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Haas M.  2023.  Music of exile : the untold story of the composers who fled Hitler /. :xvi,400pages:.
Halfyard JK.  2012.  The music of fantasy cinema . :viii,244p.:.
Saffle M.  2020.  The music of Franz Liszt : stylistic development and cultural synthesis /. :1volume;.
Dibble J.  2021.  The music of Frederick Delius : style, form and ethos /. :1onlineresource(1volume):.
MacFarlane T.  2019.  The music of George Harrison . :1volume:.
White D.  2024.  The music of Harry Potter and The Lord of the rings : sounds of home in the fantasy franchise /. :xiv,206pages:.
Cooke PA, Maw DNicholas.  2013.  The music of Herbert Howells . :xxi,360pages:.
Wang H, Rizvi S..  2012.  The Music of Ink at the British Museum . :126p.:.
Cooke PA.  2019.  The music of James MacMillan . :1onlineresource..
Wannamaker R.  2021.  Music of James Tenney. . :1onlineresource.
Uhde K.  2018.  The music of Joseph Joachim . :1onlineresource(xxv,506pages):.
Knighton T, Kreitner K.  2019.  The music of Juan de Anchieta . :1onlineresource..
Matusky PAnn, Tan SBeng.  2019.  The music of Malaysia : the classical, folk and syncretic traditions /. :1volume:.
Brandt PAage, Brandt L, Cronquist U, Hanenberg P, Bennett A.  2019.  The music of meaning : essays in cognitive semoitics /. :1volume;.
Anatone R.  2022.  The music of Nobuo Uematsu in the Final fantasy series . :1onlineresource:.
Anatone R.  2022.  The music of Nobuo Uematsu in the Final fantasy series . :xvii,353pages:.
Kelly UAnne Marga.  2018.  The music of our burnished axes : songs and stories of the woods workers of Newfoundland and Labrador /. no. 80:xxi,465pages:.
Vergo P..  2012.  The music of painting : music, modernism and the visual arts from the Romantics to John Cage /. :367p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
Čurda M.  2020.  The music of Pavel Haas : analytical and hermeneutical studies /. :1onlineresource:.
Jones N, McGregor R.  2020.  The music of Peter Maxwell Davies . :1onlineresource:.
Wyndham-Jones G., Taylor T.  2013.  The music of Plato. :108pages;.
Heine E, Greiving T.  2024.  The music of the How to train your dragon trilogy : a guide to the scores of John Powell /. :viii,200pages:.
Hodges D.  2013.  The music of the ocean . :64pages;.
Lütteken L, Steichen J, Reynolds CA.  2019.  Music of the Renaissance : imagination and reality of a cultural practice /. :1onlineresource.
Kendall DJ.  2022.  The music of the spheres in the Western imagination . :x,249pages:.
