Recent Publications in Music

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Fifield C.  2020.  The German symphony between Beethoven and Brahms : the fall and rise of a genre /. :1volume;.
Fifield C, Boldizsár F.  2021.  Richter János. :XXII,775.
Fifield C.  2016.  Hans Richter . :1onlineresource(806pages):.
Fifer J, Impey A, Kirchschlaeger PG, Nowak M, Ulrich G.  2022.  The Routledge companion to music and human rights . :1onlineresource(xxxi,516pages).
Fiddes L, Osborne J.  2019.  My journey in music . :113pages:.
Fiala M, Schuring M.  2021.  Great oboists on music and musicianship . :1onlineresource(x,285pages).
Fhuartháin MNí, Doyle DM.  2013.  Ordinary Irish life: music, sport and culture. :x,222pages.
Fèis Rois..  2011.  Gàidhlig. . :31,51,[2]foldedp.ofplates:.
Feurzeig L.  2014.  Schubert's Lieder and the philosophy of early German romanticism . :xvi,198pages:.
Marín-López J, Sánchez-López V.  2018.  Vanitas et diversitas : estilos nacionales en la música antigua. :207p..
Fess E, Zagorski M.  2023.  Arnold Schönberg and composition with twelve tones . :221pages:.
Feß E.  2023.  Arnold Schönberg und die Komposition mit zwölf Tönen . :221Seitenin1Teil.
Ferzacca S.  2021.  Sonic city : making rock music and urban life in Singapore /. :xvii,166pages:.
Fertel R.  2019.  Southern rock opera . 133:1onlineresource..
Ferri-Durà J..  2016.  Con la música a otra parte... : entre política y sociedad /. :232p..
Ferrett D.  2020.  Dark sound : feminine voices in sonic shadow /. :1volume;.
Ferrer-Cayón J.  2016.  El Festival Internacional de Santander (1932-1958) : cultura y política bajo Franco /. :311pages:.
Ferreiro-Carballo D, Rincón-Rodríguez N.  2019.  Bandas de música: contextos interpretativos y repertorios. Libargo Investiga; nº 5. :484.
Ferreira MPedro.  2016.  Musical exchanges, 1100-1650 : Iberian connections /. 2:xi,389pages:.
Ferrari B.  2019.  Luc Ferrari, complete works . :448pages:.
Ferrari G..  2021.  Sequenza III de Luciano Berio : Voglio le tue parole /. :138pages:.
Ferraiuolo A.  2019.  Rites of spontaneity : communality and subjectivity in traditional Irish music sessions /. :1volume;.
Ferraiuolo A.  2019.  Rites of spontaneity : communality and subjectivity in traditional Irish music sessions /. :1onlineresource..
Ferraguto M.  2019.  Beethoven 1806 . :xxi,245pages:.
Ferrada-Noli NRingskog.  2017.  Den andra musiken : en introduktion till att lyssna på klassisk musik /. :270Seiten.
