Recent Publications in Music

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Savage J.  2013.  The guided reader to teaching and learning music . :xi,224pages;.
Abromont C, Boisselier L.  2019.  Guide de l'analyse musicale . :457pages:.
Moraga-Guerrero E.  2018.  Guía Legal y Práctica para Coréografos y sus Compañías de Danza..
Mörck E.  2017.  "Guds speleman", "Vår Herres kantor" Albert Runbäck 1894-1974 . :305sidor:.
Krpan G.  2020.  Gudački kvartet Sebastian : naših 30 godina = Sebastian String Quartet : our 30 Years. :211.
Coluzzi SJ.  2023.  Guarini's "Il pastor fido" and the madrigal : voicing the pastoral in late Renaissance Italy /. :x,448pages:.
Coluzzi SJ.  2023.  Guarini's "Il pastor fido" and the madrigal : voicing the pastoral in late Renaissance Italy /. :x,448pages:.
Gu, Yumie = 谷玉梅, Ma, Lingyuan = 马凌元.  2015.  Guanzhong luo gu = 关中锣鼓. :153.
Shen, Bo = 申波.  2015.  Gu yu tong shen = 鼓语通神: 云南少数民族鼓乐文化研究. :270.
Henderson J.  2016.  Grunge Seattle . :1onlineresource.
O'Connor D.  2016.  Grumpy old man : opinionated articles about the folk music scene from Trad & Now magazine 2010-2016 /. :278pages;.
Grant N.  2015.  Growing up with the hits : reliving the best time of your life, 1955-1989 /. :pagescm.
[Gast].  2019.  The Grove Music guide to American film music . :xxxii,444pages:.
Ramey M..  2011.  Group music activities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities . :171p.:.
Kaastra LT.  2020.  Grounding the analysis of cognitive processes in music performance : distributed cognition in musical activity /. :1volume:.
Beckley P.  2018.  Groove and grow : a report developed through a collaborative research project between soundLINCS and Bishop Grosseteste University /. :35pages:.
[Gast].  2012.  The grind. . :v.:.
.  2019.  Grime kids : the inside story of the global grime takeover /. :1volume;.
Arnold R.J.  2020.  Grétry's operas and the French public : from the old regime to the restoration /. :1volume:.
Jiménez JLuis.  2020.  Gregory Kunde. Una vida para cantarla.
Bassani F.  2022.  Gregorio Ballabene's forty-eight-part mass for twelve choirs (1772) . no. 38:viii,120pages:.
Dobszay L.  2016.  A gregorián ének kézikönyve . :525p..
Gallagher M.  2011.  Green rain: Irish composers on stage. :190pages.
Shirley I..  2011.  Green Day revealed . :191p.:.
Koglin D.  2020.  Greek rebetiko from a psychocultural perspective : same songs changing minds /. :1volume:.
