Recent Publications in Music
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The sea . :48pages:.
2012. Embodied knowledge in ensemble performance . :xix,140pages:.
2014. Tarot makes music : uncovering the surprising connection between tarot, modern music & creativity /. :72pages:.
2018. Douglas Moore : a bio-bibliography . 36:xi,658pages:.
2011. .
2017. Improvisation in music and philosophical hermeneutics . :226pages;.
2023. The Oxford handbook of western music and philosophy . :1onlineresource(1152pages):.
2020. .
2021. Bits and pieces : a history of chiptunes /. :308pages:.
2019. The Pacific festivals of Aotearoa New Zealand : negotiating place and identity in a new homeland. :x,216.
2015. Popular music, ethnicity and politics in Kenya of the 1990s : Okatch Biggy live at "The Junction" /. :1onlineresource(163pages)..
2019. Popular music, ethnicity and politics in the Kenya of the 1990s : Okatch Biggy live at "The Junction" /. :1volume;.
2019. Functorial semiotics for creativity in music and mathematics . :1onlineresource(1volume):.
2022. Women in convent spaces and the music networks of early modern Barcelona . :xix,296pages:.
2023. .
2019. The future of live music . :xii,229pages.
2020. Popular music and the moving image in Eastern Europe . :1volume:.
2020. .
2020. Blackpool in film and popular music . :1volume:.
2020. British film music : musical traditions in British cinema, 1930s-1950s /. :1onlineresource:.
2020. .
2018. Orchestrating timbre : unfolding processes of timbre and memory in improvisational piano performance.
2019. Kim Larsen : kongen af pop. :92sider:.
2021. Ernest John Moeran : His life and music /. :1onlineresource(376pages).
2021. .