Recent Publications in Music

438 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Adlington R.  2019.  New music theatre in Europe : transformations between 1955-1975 /. :1volume:.
Adlington R.  2019.  New music theatre in Europe : transformations between 1955-1975 /. :1onlineresource:.
Watkins H, Harsent D, MacMillan J, Roberts MSymmons, MacRae S, Welsh L, Armstrong C, Strachan Z..  2012.  New Opera made in Scotland. . :127p.:.
Adedeji SOlufemi.  2018.  'A New Song in my Mouth' : Transfoming our World Through the Music of the Saints : An Inaugural Lecture Delivered at Oduduwa Hall, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Inaugural lecture series. :124.
Adorno TW, Hoban W, Adorno TW, Adorno TW.  2019.  Night music : essays on music 1928-1962 /. :1volume;.
Adorno TW, Hoban W, Adorno TW, Adorno TW.  2019.  Night music : essays on music 1928-1962 /. :1volume;.
Adorno TW, Hoban W, Adorno TW, Adorno TW.  2019.  Night music : essays on music 1928-1962 /. :1volume;.
Fukushima K, Arai K., Nelson SG.  2018.  Nihon no insatsu gakufu = 日本の印刷楽譜. Early printed music notations of Japan /. 2:244,41pages:.
Ash N.  2020.  Nomad girl . :1volume;.
Pozderac-Chenevey S., Rone VE, Aksoy C, Pozderac-Chenevey S.  2022.  Nostalgia and videogame music : a primer of case studies, theories, and analyses for the player-academic /. :1onlineresource(271pages).
Knešaurek A, Atletić Z.  2018.  Obnovljene orgulje u akademskoj crkvi sv. Katarine Aleksandrijske : Gornji grad /Zagreb. :19.
Asia D.  2021.  Observations on Music, Culture, and Politics . :1onlineresource.
Roud S, Atkinson D.  2019.  Old Songs, New Discoveries : Selected Papers from the 2018 Folk Song Conference /. 2:vi,162pages:.
Alexandersson MFrick.  2021.  Omsorg, välvilja och tystnadskultur : Diskursiva dilemman och strategier i lärarutbildningens undervisningspraktik i musik mot yngre {\aa}ldra....
McCann S, Aragon A, Smith M.  2020.  One good reason : a memoir of addiction and recovery, music and love /.
Atanasova ZGeorgieva.  2021.  One-handed piano compositions and injury awareness : history, study of selected works, and mindful practice /. :xvii,175pages:.
Attard J.  2022.  Opera cinema : a new cultural experience /. :1onlineresource(xiv,234pages).
Abel SD.  2019.  Opera in the flesh : sexuality in operatic performance /. :1onlineresource.
Abbott L, Seroff D..  2017.  The original blues : the emergence of the blues in African American vaudeville /. :viii,420pages:.
Håkanson K, Eriksson J, Andersson B.  2015.  Oss tonsättare emellan : brevväxling 1913 - 1929 mellan Knut Håkanson och Josef Eriksson.
Auber D.FE, Letellier RIgnatius..  2011.  The overtures of Daniel-François-Esprit Auber . :xxx,437p.;.
Abrahams F, Head P.  2017.  The Oxford handbook of choral pedagogy. :xx,545pages:illustrations,music;26cm.
Eötvös P, Amaral P, Jancsó J.  2015.  Parlando - rubato : beszélgetések, monológok és egyég kitérők. :317p..
Amo I-A.  2016.  Party & borroka : jóvenes, música(s) y conflicto(s) en Euskal Herria /. :383p.;19cm..
Kronland-Martinet R, Ystad S, Aramaki M.  2021.  Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music 14th International Symposium, CMMR 2019, Marseille, France, October 14-18, 2019, Revised Selected Papers /. 12631:1onlineresource(XVII,726p.121illus.,1illus.incolor).
