Recent Publications in Music
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Sound and noise : a listener's guide to everyday life /. :1onlineresource(xx,388pages):.
2020. Sound and sense in Franco-Flemish music of the Renaissance : sharps, flats, and the problem of 'musica ficta' /. volume 7:1onlineresource(xxv,598pages):.
2021. Sound Art and Music Philosophy, Composition, Performance.. :1onlineresource(235p.).
2020. Sound authorities : scientific and musical knowledge in nineteenth-century Britain /. :1onlineresource(319pages).
2021. .
2013. Sound changes : improvisation and transcultural difference /. :1onlineresource(xvi,271pages):.
2021. Sound communities in the Asia Pacific : music, media, and technology /. :1onlineresource(272pages).
2020. Sound for moving pictures : the four sound areas /. :1onlineresource:.
2021. Sound heritage : making music matter in historic houses /. :1onlineresource.
2021. Sound inventions : selected articles from experimental musical instruments /. :1onlineresource(1volume):.
2021. Sound, media, ecology . :xxvi,294pages:.
2019. A sound mind : how I fell in love with classical music (and decided to rewrite its entire history) /. :599pages;.
2020. .
2023. The sound of memory : themes from a violinist's life /. :viii,208pages;.
2022. The sound of music family scrapbook . :95pages,4unnumberedfoldedleaves:.
2012. The sound of music family scrapbook. :95pages,4unnumberedfoldedleaves:.
2011. Sound of the border : music and identity of Korean minority in China /. :1onlineresource(xiii,221pages):.
2022. The sound of Žižek : musicological perspectives on Slavoj Žižek /. volume 2:xv,178pages.
2023. .
2019. .
2022. .
2022. Sounding conflict : from resistance to reconciliation /. :xi,224pages:.
2023. .
2021. .