Recent Publications in Music
221 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Singing our unsung heroes : remembering Manu Dibango, celebrating Cameroon music /. :1onlineresource.
2021. Singing and wellbeing : ancient wisdom, modern proof /. :xxiv,202pages:.
2016. Sergei Rachmaninoff : cross rhythms of the soul /. :xi,386pages:.
2022. .
2021. .
2020. .
2020. The Routledge companion to music and human rights . :1onlineresource(xxxi,516pages).
2022. The Rite of spring at 100 . :xxv,520pages:.
2017. .
2018. .
2018. Riff : The Shake Keane Story /. :1onlineresource(116p.).
2021. Rethinking the music business music contexts, rights, data, and COVID-19 /. :1onlineresource..
2022. Reminded by the instruments : David Tudor's music /. :1onlineresource(688pages):.
2021. Reisen to kurashikku : ongakukatachi no shirarezaru tatakai /. 521:381pages;.
2017. Rebel & Remix : 70 års rock pop og hiphop. :553sider:.
2021. Read & burn : a book about Wire /. :429p.:.
2013. A question of style : Australian art song for low female voice, 1961-1979 /. :ix,79leaves:music;30cm..
2016. Prometeo : tragedia dell'ascolta /. :1book(513pages);.
2021. Prometeo : tragedia dell'ascolta /. :1book(513pages);.
2021. Primus inter omnes : tanulmányok Bedy Vince születésének 150. évfordulójára . A Győri Egyházmegyei Levéltár Kiadványai. 25:846p..
2016. Popular music heritage, cultural justice and the deindustrialising city . :1onlineresource(76pages).
2023. The political in Rimsky-Korsakov's operas . :xii,254pages:.
2022. .
2016. .
2016. .