Recent Publications in Music
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A history of western philosophy of music . :x,384pages;.
2023. "Heike monogatari" no nō, kyōgen o yomu . :vii,382,2pages:.
2018. .
2020. .
How the Beatles rocked the Kremlin : the untold story of a noisy revolution /. :296pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Hey Jo : a rock and roll fairytale /. :xvii,315pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Herzensschwestern der Musik : Pauline Viardot und Clara Schumann : Briefe einer lebenslangen Freundschaft /. :173pages:.
2020. .
2023. .
2016. Hanslick im Kontext Perspektiven auf die Ästhetik, Musikkritik und das historische Umfeld von Eduard Hanslick / Perspectives on the Aesthetics, Musical Criticism, and Historical Setting of Eduard Hanslick.. :1onlineresource(306p.).
2020. Heart Matters, Volume 2 : Passing Through the Veil.. :1onlineresource.
2020. .
2020. .
2019. Hit factories : a journey through the industrial cities of British pop /. :1onlineresource..
2019. .
2015. .
2020. Half sound, half philosophy : aesthetics, politics, and history of China's sound art /. :1onlineresource.
2020. Hans von Bülow. :656.
2018. .
How music can make you better . :120pages;.
2019. Handel . :xxxii,594p.:.
2011. Hangszövedékek : fejezetek a magyar zeneszerzés közelmúltjából. Claves ad musicam. :222p..
2015. .
2017. Hangok és ütemek : tíz életút zenével . :219p..
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