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Wallén G.  2016.  Arne Domnérus : tidsbilder med Arne Domnérus egna kommentarer.
Wallis J, Cram D, Wardhaugh B.  2014.  John Wallis : writings on music /. :239pages:.
Wallmark Z.  2022.  Nothing but noise : timbre and musical meaning at the edge /. :xi,215pages:.
Wallrup E.  2019.  Being musically attuned : the act of listening to music /. :1volume;.
Walls P..  2011.  Baroque music . :xxxiv,553p.:.
Walsh S.  2013.  Musorgsky and his circle : a Russian musical adventure /. :xiv,469pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Walsh MJK.  2020.  Eric Bogle, music and the Great War : 'an old man's tears' /. :1volume:.
Walsh S.  2022.  The beloved vision : a history of nineteenth century music /. :ix,421pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Walsh MJK, Airey D.  2011.  Runaway dreams : the story of Mama's Boys and Celtus /. :xviii,262pages:.
Walter M, Bey H.  2020.  Johann Sebastian Bach - Weihnachtsoratorium . :182Seiten.
Walton A.  2019.  Welsh whisperer, y . :1onlineresource.
Walton C.  2021.  Richard Wagner's essays on conducting : a new translation with critical commentary /. v. 175:1onlineresource:.
Walton C.  2017.  Richard Flury : the life and music of a Swiss Romantic /. :327pages:.
Wang H, Rizvi S..  2012.  The Music of Ink at the British Museum . :126p.:.
Wang O.  2015.  Legions of boom : Filipino American mobile DJ crews in the San Francisco Bay Area /. :xiii,218pages:.
Wang K, Wang G.  2016.  Dong jing yue yi yu shen ma tu xiang = Dongjing liturgy and Shenma incense-paper paintings = 洞经乐仪与神马图像. :2,264pages:.
Wang KJ.  2020.  Hong Kong popular culture : worlding film, television, and pop music /. :1volume:.
Wang L.  2020.  The peak time of entertainment in China : a study of the jiaofang during the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD) /. :1onlineresource(255pages)..
Wang J.  2020.  Half sound, half philosophy : aesthetics, politics, and history of China's sound art /. :1onlineresource.
Wang C, Chow JY, Wong SShengmiao.  2019.  The TENG guide to the Chinese orchestra . :1onlineresource.
Wang, Jin = 王进.  2015.  Hou yang ban xi shi qi zuo pin yu yang ban xi yan sheng yin yue zuo pin xi lie yan jiu = 后“样板戏”时期作品与“样板戏”衍生音乐作品系列研究 . :257.
Wang, Liping = 王黎平.  2015.  Ying shi yin yue de mei xue jia zhi = 影视音乐的美学价值 . :112.
Wang, Lixin = 王丽新, Zhong, Enfu = 钟恩富.  2015.  Ao er fu yin yue jiao xue fa ben tu hua yan jiu = 奥尔夫音乐教学法本土化研究. :254.
Wang, Yaohua = 王耀华.  2015.  Zhong hua min zu yin yue wen hua de guo ji chuan bo yu tui guang = 中华民族音乐文化的国际传播与推广 . :808.
Wang, Yarui = 王娅蕊, Wang, Hui = 王辉.  2015.  Zhi hua si jing yin yue = 智化寺京音乐. Beijing fei wu zhi wen hua yi chan cong shu = 北京非物质文化遗产丛书. :233.
