Recent Publications in Music
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D'Angelo's Voodoo . :1onlineresource..
2020. Dancing with Welk : music, memory, and prairie troubadours /. :xv,243pages:.
2022. Dancing to the drum machine : how electronic percussion conquered the world /. :1onlineresource(xxiv,302pages).
2023. Dancing across borders : perspectives on dance, young people and change /. :1onlineresource(xxii,196pages)..
2020. Dancing about architecture is a reasonable thing to do : writing about music, meaning, and the ineffable /. :xvi,148pages;.
2022. Dancehall days : when showbands ruled the stage . :326pages.
2014. .
2019. Dance music spaces : clubs, clubbers, and DJs navigating authenticity, branding, and commercialism /. :xiii,183pages:.
2022. Dance, music and cultures of decolonisation in the Indian diaspora . :1onlineresource..
2020. .
2019. Dance, Ideology and Power in Francoist Spain (1938-1968).. Music, Criticism & Politics. 5:XXXVI+568p..
2017. Dance and drama in French baroque opera . :xx,484pages:.
2016. .
2021. .
2018. Dan Alexander Audio : a vintage odyssey /. :xix,415pages:.
2021. Damnable practises : witches, dangerous women, and music in seventeenth-century English broadside ballads /. :1volume;.
2020. A dalszerző Liszt. :216.
2017. Dallamok és disszonanciák : a zene nagykövete: Szőnyi Erzsébet . Álarcok. :237p..
2016. Dalcroze eurhythmics in the choral classroom . :154pages:.
2021. A dal vándora : Szvorák Katalin Kossuth-díjas népdalénekessel beszélget Simon Erika.. Magyarnak lenni. 135:130p..
2016. Daddy Cool : finding my father, the singer who swapped Hollywood fame for home in Australia.. :230pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2020. D.A.A.S., their part in my downfall : on the road with the Doug Anthony All-stars /. :xvi,288pages,48unnumberedpagesofplates:illustrations(chieflycolour),portraits;24cm..
2016. Da yin = 大音. 第十卷. 10th :329.
2015. .
2019. Da Capo . :196pages:.