Germany / Deutschland

Staatsbibliotheken in Berlin und München sowie weitere sechs Forschungseinrichtungen erwerben historisches Archiv des Schott-Verlags / Historical Schott Archive Acquired by State Libraries in Berlin and Munich and Six Research Institutions

This article came to our attention through RISM Germany and is reprinted here with kind permission. Photos courtesy of RISM Germany. English below.

The Schumannhaus in Bonn

Before the conference in Antwerp I had the great pleasure of visiting three member institutions in Germany: the Abteilung Dokumentation und Archive des Westdeutschen Rundfunk in Köln + the Schumannhaus and the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn. I have very fond memories of the friendly way I was welcomed and how enthusiastically the colleagues showed me their respective library/archive.

I have asked my hosts to write a few lines describing their institution. This is the presentation of Katrin Reinhold, head librarian of the Schumannhaus:


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